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Confident Woman


Ready to make your mark in this world? Join Mel in her MBA (Master of Bold Action) mastermind class to get in the best mental fitness of your life. Great minds think alike, but greater minds think higher.

Find your forward.

We all have dreams, but we also have doubts. Our fears and unanswered questions create a mental space where our dreams can't live in, and we find ourselves believing we're not meant to have the life we so desire. As a result, our dreams stay in that mental womb never to be birthed into reality.


One of the worst feelings in life is the loss of freedom to move. We were meant to have choice and free will to make the decisions that align with our values, hopes, and dreams. But when we lose that freedom, we lose the clarity and focus we need to determine the next step we will take. 


Do you have a dream or wild idea that is just bursting inside of you but you can't seem to get out of this rut of self-doubt? Are you unsure of what you even need to do just to get started? Or, do you know what you need to do but you're feeling overwhelmed with the idea of scaling this mountain? Do you feel alone in your ambition and drive to move forward in your life?


Feeling stuck and stalled stops here. I'd love for you to take a chance on yourself and join my Master of Bold Action (MBA) Masterclass. Here, you'll get the clarity, focus, and action steps you need to live meaningfully and freely. Here, you'll find the connection and support from others who are just as driven as you are. Here, you'll feel safe to share your hardest challenges and highest ideals for the life you want for you.


Through weekly group coaching sessions and options for individual coaching, you will get the tools, exercises, and deep discussions you need to find your forward. The Master of Bold Action Masterclass helps you to shift your perspective on your problems, discover what you're really worth to this world, and live freely to pursue your purpose. In this class, there's celebration and holding your up. There's accountability in love and a safe space to work out your worries. There's also guidance and encouragement every step of the way.


Join the crowd of women Mel has helped around the world feel empowered, encouraged, and equipped to walk into their destiny. Don't go another day stuck in the same place you have been. Join us now and learn how to become a master of bold action. Together, let's go higher.


Take the leap. Your future is on the other side.

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